
From virtual meditation sessions to in-person workouts, wellness events at the Medical School offers something for everyone. 

Featured Events

The Lunch & Be series aims to engage students, faculty and staff in art practices co-led by artists from the community, whether it be through movement, music listening, observing art, or writing activities.

Past Events Hosted by the Well-Being Program

Health and Wellness

Med^2 Hosts Pre-Exam Meditation

Recently, Med^2 hosted pre-exam meditations before the Brain Sciences and GI exams. To learn more about their programs and pre-exam meditations please email
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The Lunch & Be series aims to engage students and faculty/staff in different art practices co-led by artists from the community, whether it be through movement, music listening, observing art, or writing activities. January's session was lead by Barry Brown, a performer, guitar teacher, workshop facilitator, and composer.
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Sports Medicine Interest Group and the Office of Well-Being hosted a talk by Chef Poyourow on sports nutrition! He shared how to implement healthy eating principles into your daily life and ways to save time and money.
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