SHC Spotlight Blog: Dr. Dana Chofay and Weston de Lomba

This month, we’re excited to feature Weston de Lomba, AMS Senate President, and Dr. Dana Chofay, Director of Doctoring.

Weston de Lomba

What’s one thing on your bucket list you haven’t done yet?

I’m a native Rhode Islander who strongly admires local coastal traditions, and so I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never gone quahogging! I’ve always found it very appealing though: the sense of adventure - wading these calm coastal waters, raking the sand, taking in the sea breeze, reading the surf - and the thrill and satisfaction of finding and harvesting your own food! Not to mention the sustainability of shellfishing. It seems so romantic in its own quirky way.

What’s a song that always puts you in a good mood?

Trap Queen. Fetty Wap.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Most people have a morning coffee routine. Empty yesterday’s filter, then proceed with grinding the beans, reloading today’s filter, measuring the water, brewing the pot - etc. This process generally brings me joy, although depending on my current sleep debt sometimes it can feel like a chore. Lately I’ve been testing how long I can keep my cat on my shoulder while I perform all of these operations. It takes the sleep-addled tasks of coffee-making and gamifies it a bit. If I can keep him on my shoulder the entire time I just know I’m going to have a good day!  

What’s your favorite indulgence when you need a pick-me-up?

MALA NOODLE on Thayer Street or Jahunger on Wickenden Street provide some of the spiciest dishes I’ve been able to find in Rhode Island. Sweating through a scorchingly-hot and spiced $22 bowl of noodles gives me a brief reprieve from the type of sweat I otherwise experience in the OR or on the wards when I’m on the receiving end of questions like “what artery is this?” and “why do we care about sodium?”

What’s a self-care habit you swear by?

Flossing. I wouldn’t say I do it religiously, but even flossing a couple times a week makes me feel like I have my life in order. My dental friends tell me that, apparently, evidence for flossing to prevent various dental maladies is mixed in general and weak at best. So it may be disproportionately satisfying, and even a little bit indulgent. The knowledge that I might be performing some potentially superfluous task with as-of-yet-unproven benefits for the sake of my oral hygiene makes me feel all the more like I’m really going above and beyond in exceeding baseline self-care expectations.  

How do you handle moments of self-doubt?

At the recommendation of my therapist, moments of self-doubt can be handled by running out a catastrophization to its absolute limit, wholly embracing that panicked outcome until the feeling dulls to boringly unrealistic, and then moving along with the expectation that it's really unlikely that the absolute worst-case scenario will happen. Some people will call this “setting the bar low,” but I prefer “giving yourself grace!”

Dr. Dana Chofay

What’s a talent or hobby you wish you had time to pursue? 

I love to knit. My grandmother taught me when I was 12. There is something so meditative in the motion of the needles and it speaks to my creative side. I have made all sorts of sweaters, scarves and socks through the years but can’t remember the last time I started a project (or completed any of the many stowed in the closet).

What do you believe to be your greatest accomplishment? 

Easy one, raising my boys! No other professional or personal accomplishment comes close to the joy, challenges and fulfillment of motherhood for me.  Yes, there were years of pure chaos and many mistakes along the way but I simply love who they’ve become as adults. They are not only siblings but close friends (and they still call me! Often!)

What’s your favorite thing to do on a Friday night? 

Pizza and game night with family and/or friends! It can get quite competitive but it’s always fun and creates hysterical memories! No one can beat my sisters and me at Taboo, though my kids always seem to walk away with my chips with Texas Hold’em

If you could design your dream home, what’s one must-have feature?

An ocean view. Otherwise I would keep it small and simple.

Do you have a mantra or affirmation that keeps you grounded? 

“Have faith.” My faith is central to my wellness and strength, no question about it. I also use this phrase to remind me to have faith in myself when I am filled with self-doubt and to have faith in others. We are all doing the best we can on our own personal journey.

What’s a wellness habit you wish you had started earlier? 

Running. I started when I was 40 because I wanted to run a 5K. I still cycle through loving it and dreading it but when I am running consistently it definitely helps me focus, feel strong and sleep better.